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proctrace-ingest - Convert a raw recording into a processed recording that can be rendered


proctrace ingest <-i|—input> [-o|—output] <-p|—root-pid> [-d|—debug] [-h|—help]


Convert a raw recording into a processed recording that can be rendered.

A recording produced in “raw” mode cannot be rendered directly, so it must first be processed into a render-ready form. This subcommand does that processing.


-i, —input=INPUT_PATH

: The path to the raw recording to be processed.

Must either be a path to a file or - to read from stdin.

-o, —output=PATH

: Where to write the output (printed to stdout if omitted).

-p, —root-pid=PID

: Which PID to use as the root of the process tree.

A raw recording contains events from the entire system, so the user
must supply a PID from which to begin tracing a process tree.

-d, —debug

: Whether to display debug output while ingesting

-h, —help

: Print help (see a summary with -h)